Welcome to Miranda Orchids
Welcome to our new site. Although everything has changed from the old one "under the hood", we tried to keep this one as similar as possible to it. This way, visitors won't feel it is a completely different site and will be familiar with its structure. In conclusion, people will know where everything is supposed to be. Long-term visitors especially will have a very familiar navigation experience.
With our goal of offering the best in Brazilian species mainly in the Cattleya alliance, here you will find the best available and imported from Brazil together with what is produce from our extensive collection in Florida and elsewhere high-quality cattleyas are propagated.
Besides the plants themselves, our presentations page is directly linked so this information is also readily available.
The way to navigate this site is simple. The different subject pages are linked on the horizontal bar under the banner, and the plant lists are linked there two in a drop-down menu. The plant lists are also linked on the left vertical panel under the shopping cart icon. The list pages themselves span multiple pages whenever the case instead of a single long scroll list. There are also links to all pages at the bottom of every page.
Thanks for taking your time visiting us, and any questions or comments just send us an e-mail.
NEWS and Updates
- 2024 / 10 / 23 - New shipments list have been sent, in a couple of weeks the site pages should be populated.
- 2021 / 12 / 20 - Due to the steady increase in shipping rates, we had to raise the minimum order total for free
shipping to $100.00. Thanks for the understanding.
- 2020 / 06 / 15 - More photos added to the PHOTOS page, which has now been separated by group.
- 2020 / 05 / 24 - Added a PHOTOS page to the menu, where people can see plants on the division lists.
- 2020 / 05 / 09 - Site is live. Product listing very limited, basically for testing purposes.
Scheduled Events
- 2024 / 11 / 11 - Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
- 2024 / 11 / 17 - Key West Orchid Society, Key West, FL.
Orchid Shows
- 2024 / 11 / 1-3 - The Apopka International Fall Orchid Festival @ Krull-Smith Orchid Nursery, Apopka, FL.